Company Trip 3 Days 2 Nights in 2015Visiting Pekalongan Batik Week 2015 and Batik Museum.
Visiting event and places there such as Dieng Culture Festival 2015, Candi Arjuna, Telaga Warna, Telaga Pengilon, and Kawah Sikidang.
Visiting one of famous Buddhist Temples, Candi Borobudur.
Visiting Taman Wisata Kaliurang which is located in the slope of Merapi volcano, Candi Prambanan (one of famous Hindu Temples).

Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Central Java, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

PTo strengthen friendship and improve communication among staff, PT. Nexus JHK Indonesia holds year-end parties and dinner parties.
Training Program
Overseas Training Program for StaffTo enhance skills and performance of staff, PT. Nexus JHK Indonesia in collaboration with HIDA (The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA), sends staff to Japan to have intensive training.
Experts Support from JapanFor better quality products, PT. Nexus JHK Indonesia also invites experts from Japan to Indonesia to give advice and technical training to staff to upgrade their skills.